Individual Retreats

Individual retreats

Retreat is a dress rehearsal for daily life. – Pir Vilayat –

It is possible for you to come on an individual retreat in person or on ZOOM.   Individual retreats have been offered in person in the desert of Rajasthan, at Zenith Sufi camp in the Swiss alps, at Cala Jami in Sardinia, and in Holland at Lioba Monastery by dunes, sea and forests in North Holland.  Click here for more information for this in person retreats and online retreats in 2025.

To go on an individual  retreat is a  gift to yourself. For a focused period of time – whether for 3 days or 21 days –  the busyness and accelerated pace of  outer life can come to a gentle halt as you step outside the circle of time and into the presence of your own inner life.

On retreat, you will have a rare opportunity to listen more keenly with the ears of your heart.  Outer silence, solitude,  focused periods of spiritual practice and a beautiful, natural environment are conductive for this, and facilitates a deeper trust in the guidance and inspiration that emerges from within.

Saki’s focus on guiding individual retreats are both healing as well as  transformative.   It is rejuvenating, harmonizing and integrative for body, mind, heart and soul.  This leads to a deeper realization of one’s wholeness and connection with the Source of love, light and life.

There is also an alchemical process of transformation that takes place throughout an individual retreat.  Purification, clearing, and identifying obscurations to the purity of one’s essential unchanging Self are essential parts of every retreat, although how this happens naturally as one goes through the alchemical process differs from person to person.


Saki was trained in the alchemical retreat by her Sufi teacher and guide Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan from 1985 – 2004.   She also draws on the inspiration and universal wisdom teachings of Taoism, Buddhism and Christian mysticism.  She has also integrated Healing retreats in her work with the Alchemical retreat process.


On retreat you must allow the world take care of itself for awhile!

Each day on retreat you will have an individual meeting with your retreat guide.  Beginning with a silent meditation together, you may then share dreams you might have had the night before or any concerns or experiences which are meaningful.  After this, Saki will suggest practices for the day, which may include:

  • Sufi practices with breath, light, sacred phrases, wazaif and zhikr
  • Walking practices in nature
  • Healing practices
  • Silent meditation
  • mindfulness practices
  • reflection and self inquiry

Each retreat is different as the needs of each retreatant is unique. But through the framework of alchemy  we are led  to an experiential process of exploring the depths, heights, width and outreach of human consciousness.  This allows the next step in our lives  to unfold with renewed inspiration, dedication, and joy.  And by the time you leave retreat to go home,  you will take with you the essence and perfume your retreat back with you into your daily life as a gift to share with your loved ones and your greater world community.

“We must be the changes we wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi –

Throughout the year there are different possibilities to go on individual retreat. (See calendar of events and flyers)

ZOOM RETREATS:  SINCE THE CORONA PANDEMIC MORE PEOPLE ARE GOING ON INDIVIDUAL RETREAT VIA ZOOM!   For many people who cannot travel or afford the cost of residential retreats, this has been a wonderful alternative to in-person retreats!  Please inquire:

The fulfillment of spiritual practice is diving deep within oneself; it is communicating with each atom of life existing in the whole world; it is realizing the real ‘I’ in which is the fulfillment of life’s purpose.
Hazrat Inayat Khan