After a long summer pause, the next series of monthly Lightsong-Inayatiyya Online Sufi classes with Saki Lee will begin again at the end of September 2018 and will continue each month until the end of June 2019. These classes are aimed at offering ongoing spiritual support and guidance for those who seek to deepen and integrate Sufi teachings into daily life.
The guiding light and inspiration for these classes are the universal Sufi teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan and Pir Zia Inayat Khan. These monthly online classes have been attended by both new and experienced meditators and spiritual seekers from over seventeen countries since 2015, and many have reported receiving meaningful spiritual support and benefit from them.
The next series, The Awakening of the Human Spirit, will be exploring the sequence of inner stages which a person goes through in the process of spiritual development.
In addition to specific thematic teachings each month, each class includes sacred music for meditation, a suggested morning attunement to start off the day, prayers, spiritual practices with breath, light, wazaif and zhikr. Mystical poetry and teachings from complementary wisdom traditions are also often included.
To keep the classes “digestible” each monthly class contains four sections which do not exceed 35 minutes of recording time, making it easy to review the parts that are of interest and relevance to each participant. These are easy to download and listen to offline, and are available indefinitely to those who are registered.
In between receiving a recorded monthly class, participants also receive a weekly invitation to reflect on some of the themes addressed in the classes. There are opportunities to access a closed Facebook group to connect with the members of the class, as well as personal contact with Saki for questions or concerns.
About Saki Lee:
These classes are given by Saki Lee, whose joy and purpose are to empower people to embody who they already are. Saki was a student of Sufi mystic Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, the son of Hazrat Inayat Khan, since 1974 and until his passing in 2004. She is a senior teacher and guide in the Inayati Sufi Order International and travels extensively giving individual as well as group retreats. Besides her healing work as a practitioner of East Asian medicine, Saki is a mentor for the Dances of Universal Peace and regards sacred music as an important part of spiritual practice and transmission.
For any questions about your joining this online group please write to us
However, if you are ready to say yes and jump right in, please click on the link here and you will be directed to the registration and payment page.